Week 1
| Practice whole list with emphasis on unfamiliar excerpts. Do plenty of score study and listening. Make notes in practice log adding excerpts that have "slipped" to the "perennial challenge" list. |
Week 2 |
Continue with unfamiliar list. Practice other technical excerpts slowly if time. Record unfamiliars at the end of the week. Videotape if possible. Listen back and watch. Make note of visual mannerisms. With score in hand make notes on the playing. Add excerpts in unsatisfactory shape to next week's list. |
Week 3 |
Left over unfamiliars. Technical excerpts (Figaro, Ravel piano concerto, etc.). Perennial challenge list. |
Week 4 |
Perennial challenges. Have a couple of high register excerpt practice sessions. Choose reeds and bocals for these. Tape all. Listen back, take notes. Add excerpts in unsatisfactory shape to next week's list. |
Week 5 |
Leftover perennials. Technical excerpts. Begin familiar list. Start finishing the reeds you will use for the audition. |
Week 6 |
Familiar list. Concerto (get a pianist friend to play with you.). Begin choosing reeds that you will use for the audition. Tape familiars and concerto. Listen back, take notes. Add excerpts in unsatisfactory shape to next week's list. |
Week 7 |
Review unfamiliars and perennials. Play mock audition for friends at end of week. Tape, review, take notes. |
Week 8 |
Maintenance practice. Fine tune excerpts that are not yet solid. Sight read, play etudes, other concertos. |
Odd weeks |
Focus on technical practice with lots of slow repetitions. |
Even weeks |
Craft interpretations for the taping. Score study. Try to understand bassoon's role in the score. Develop a sense of chamber music. |